Individual & Business Tax Preparation
- 1040 Individual
- 1065 Partnership and Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- 1120 Corporation
- 1120S S-Corporation
Today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing and easy to make monetary errors. It is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. There is no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional. This is what you will receive from our tax services:
This is what you will receive from our tax services:
Your tax return will be prepared by our experienced tax preparers.
Your tax return will be electronically filed which will allow you to receive your refund faster than paper-filed.
After finishing your tax return, we will review your return line by line with you. We will also make recommendations and show you potential deductions or credits that may generate more of a refund or reduce your tax liability for next year.
If you would like to receive more information or have a question about your taxes please give us a call or send us an email.
Tax Planning
Planning for your taxes is no exception. A proper tax plan is a key to generate more refund or reduce your tax liability legally.
Reducing your tax liability and your satisfaction is our goal and our business. We work for you, not for the IRS.
Tax Problems
No matter how carefully you work on your tax return, the IRS (or a state department for state taxes) can still select your tax return for an audit, which is unavoidable. This is because the IRS has the authority to randomly (or intentionally) choose your tax return even if there’s no actual problem.
Going through the auditing process alone could be a time-consuming and financial mistake but TNT Express Services is here to help.